Changes to BREEAM QA

As part of a recent internal review, the BRE have confirmed they will be making changes to their current BREEAM Quality Assurance resubmission process. This new procedure will be implemented from 1st April 2023 and will apply to all projects currently submitted, as well as any future submissions after this date. These changes are with the intention to improve the QA timescales and increase technical auditor resources.

The key changes are as follows:

• The halting process will apply to all assessments and all submissions – including both first submissions and resubmissions.

• The QA Audit Failure charge will apply where a resubmission is halted.

• If an assessment that was halted at 12 non-conformances is resubmitted and no changes have been made to the submission, the assessment will be halted again without the rest of the assessment being audited.

• Where an assessment is submitted three or more times without improvement, resulting in multiple resubmission audits with the same number of non-conformances, the QA Failure resubmission charge will be applied.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Element Sustainability Team who will be able to provide further details on the QA re-submission changes.

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