It is predicted that, by 2050, plastics will outweigh fish in our oceans. It is estimated that over half of the plastic that the world consumes is used just once. This equates to around 150 million tonnes of plastic every year being used for just a few minutes; yet will exist on our planet for up to 1000 years.
To produce “disposable” yet indestructible materials at such quantities is irresponsible. Unless we dramatically reduce the production and disposal of plastic items, we will severely and irreversibly destroy the oceans, wildlife and the health of future generations.
Plastic Free Me is a network of volunteers, passionate about protecting our planet. They have designed three levels of plastic-free living, so that anyone and everyone can get involved. Pick your challenge below and try it out for February.
Remember: never be disheartened if you simply can’t avoid plastic. An entirely plastic-free lifestyle is currently almost impossible. Just remember that every little help!
(Source: plastic free me)