Over the past six months Element Sustainability has been busy supporting design teams on a large number of high profile planning applications up and down the country (including proposed developments in many of the London boroughs). We have worked on large scale mixed use schemes, residential, non-domestic, new build and refurbishment projects. Services and packages provided to support our clients through the planning application process are as follows:
- Sustainability Statements, Environmental Standard Statements and strategies;
- Energy Statements and low carbon strategies;
- Low and zero carbon feasibility assessments;
- Carbon budget statements;
- BREEAM Assessments;
- Building energy modelling (SAP and SBEM);
- Strategic design appraisals;
- Discharge of conditions; and,
- Home Quality Mark (HQM) and Code for Sustainable Homes assessment reviews.
Element Sustainability offers a range of services including supporting applications through the planning stages and on through the development cycle. We combine our comprehensive knowledge of sustainability issues and understanding of the planning process to liaise with local councils and determine their sustainability criteria – we’d be happy to assist with your scheme so please do get in contact!